Do you think your child may be on the Autism spectrum?

Does that sound worrisome to actually hear your child may have Autism? You may have been to a parent teacher conference and the teacher mentions that your child has odd behaviors or a certain type of “Quirkiness” which makes them unique. Having Autism is very unique. A person with Autism uses more of their temporal and occipital lobes than the frontal lobes of their brain. What that means  is that they are more adept at following patterns because of their perception and recognition of patterns. They may favor visual experiences because of this as well. By using less of their frontal lobes they may not have as much strength in planning and decision-making as someone without Autism. The result of this is that we have to focus on the strengths of the individual and not to try to have them fit into a preconceived model of learning. We may have to do it their way instead of them doing it the old way.

Your child may not have all of the symptoms to get a diagnosis of Autism but they may have some attributes. Understanding your child and supporting them will help them in their future development.
Here are some common symptoms of someone who may be on the Autism spectrum:

• Difficulty developing friendships

• Selective Mutism

• Lack of empathy

• Unable to make eye contact

• Being socially awkward

• Specific/Focused Interests

• Compliance with routines

• Pattern recognition

• Poor motor skills

The symptoms may sound limiting in today’s society but with awareness and understanding of an individual on the Autism spectrum, these symptoms can be perceived as strengths instead of weaknesses.
Here are some positive attributes that are also seen in someone who may be on the Autism spectrum:

• Honesty – whether they are giving someone positive or negative information their statements will reflect their feelings

• Living in the moment – Instead of distractions such as social cues, individuals on the spectrum depend on sensory input around them. They are practicing mindfulness by being in the present moment without years of studying how to do that!

• Not typically judging others – more accepting of other’s differences

• Less focus on materialism

• Less likely to play mind games with others

• Fewer hidden agendas

If you or your child could benefit from speaking to a therapist about issues associated with Autism, please contact Specialized Therapy Associates at (201) 488-6678 to make an appointment.