How Childhood Trauma Effects the Brain

Experiencing trauma It is our experiences in life that shape who we are and how we see the world.    Everything that we believe about ourselves, about others, and about the world in general is learned through our personal experiences.  It is therefore not surprising that experiencing chronic trauma during childhood leaves deep marks.  The effects [...]

Playing and Play Therapy

I remember being in middle school and waiting for the bus. We’d run around, cluster in groups giggling and watch the boys throw a baseball. Now I see kids waiting for the bus standing still, heads down, phones out and texting instead of talking. I wonder when kids forgot how to play. "Play is a [...]

Parenting a Child with Intense Emotions

Introduction Pat Harvey and Jeanine Penzo, both licensed clinical social workers, have a book called Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions. It’s a book that I have been enthusiastically recommending to parents who are confronting this difficulty. The book teaches Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, established by Marsha Linehan for treating adults. These skills help [...]

Parenting an Anxious Child: How to confront anxiety

Parenting an Anxious Child can seem like a daunting task. Many parents bring their children to therapy who are struggling with anxiety or mood swings.  This is a great first step! Very often, children with Anxiety or Depression are dealing with a difficult transition, an illness, or are having a school issue.   As a result, [...]

The Answer is ‘No’

“The Answer is No”, subtitled “Saying it and sticking to it” by Cynthia Whitman, MSW, was published in 1994 but is still available at online booksellers. Is the book out-of-date? Well, it doesn’t have anything to say about iPhones, but if you have a child from two to twelve years old and need inspiration and [...]

Social Skills Training Group: Help With Interactions

Does your child have a hard time making and keeping friends? Have you noticed he or she may be overly shy and anxious about meeting new kids? There are many causes of poor social interaction, yet there are plenty of solutions to help! A social skills training group is ideal for helping children improve their social [...]

Using Validation to Promote Change for Children

Many parents struggle with determining the most effective way to respond when their child is distressed and provide validation. Sometimes what might feel like the best response can actually make the situation worse. The scenario below highlights such a situation: David is 15 years old and later his parents have noticed him acting out in [...]

Mindfulness for Children and Adolescents

Mindfulness has become almost a buzzword in our culture. Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment without judgment. Current research has found that there are practical applications for mindfulness in therapy.  Karen Hooker and Iris Fodor's 2008 article on mindfulness and children provides practical examples for how to teach children mindfulness skills. Children and [...]

Back to School Relief – 10 Tips for Parents

10 Quick Back to School Relief Tips For Parents and Kids Summer is coming to a close and even if kids want to forget that school exists, you can’t miss all the ‘School Day Sales’ signs in stores. There are several ways to ease the transition: 1. Talk to your child about going to school. [...]

But Mom, I Don’t Want to Go Back to School

Why do so many kids say they don't want to go back to school? When I talk to kids, why do they all say that lunchtime, recess or seeing friends is their favorite part? And why don't kindergarten kids get a playtime anymore? Play is a child's work. We need to allow children time to [...]


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