Addiction: Strategies to cope with and recover from substance abuse

Addiction or substance abuse is a complex and multifaceted issue that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. It is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that involves compulsive drug seeking and use despite the harmful consequences. Many factors contribute to addiction, including genetic, environmental, and personal factors. Studies have shown that [...]

Self-Care During COVID-19

The impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on emotional and psychological well-being is staggering.  This is certainly a stressful and uncertain time affecting our livelihood and well-being.  According to Mental Health America, there has been a 12 percent increase in cases of anxiety alone.   Additionally, American’s are experiencing greater rates of fear, depression, and isolation [...]

Tips for Sobriety During Quarantine

Sobriety is an ongoing process that requires a daily commitment to recovery goals. Those in recovery know that it is essential to have a strong support system to maintain sobriety. This is especially true for those who are in early recovery. Other factors that help individuals in recovery include having daily structure and positive routines. [...]

Values and Success in Recovery

Addiction can result from and bring forth emotions and thoughts that are difficult to deal with. These emotions can drive an addict to behave in ways they later regret. It can be challenging to figure out how to act in opposite ways that have more positive outcomes. A question I often ask my own clients [...]

Self Empowerment: An Achievable Goal

Clients sometimes make comments like, “How do I empower myself? I don’t even know how to go about healing. How do I start?” Self-empowerment is a path towards setting goals and strengthening and developing oneself. It requires taking personal responsibility and having a belief in an internal locus of control where one has the power [...]

Substance Use and Defenses

Throughout our lives, we naturally develop defenses to protect ourselves from thoughts, feelings, or experiences that seem uncomfortable. For example, we might deny that an uncomfortable situation is happening because we don't want to face that discomfort. You might think of defenses as rose-colored glasses that we put on so we can try to change [...]

Emotional Abuse: How to Adapt and Overcome

"What's the big deal? It was just emotional abuse." I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard this sentiment being expressed whether it is directly from a client, a perpetrator, or commentaries made by media forums, the general public, or other social networks that reflect a lack of awareness about the ramifications of emotional abuse. [...]

Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Common Myths

Many of us have a stereotype of what an addict or alcoholic is. Some people assume that drug and alcohol addiction is a problem that only certain kinds of people face; this could not be further from the truth. There are many misconceptions about drug and alcohol addiction that can affect not only the addict [...]

Recovering from Addiction: How to Survive

When many people think of Recovering from Addiction, they envision attending a 28-day rehabilitation facility, daily Alcoholic/Narcotic Anonymous meetings, and never being able to drink or use again. Unfortunately, this stigma often scares people off from admitting they are struggling with addiction and getting the help they need. Have you ever thought to yourself  "I [...]


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