

Postpartum Depression and Psychosis: The Monster that’s much more than just Baby Blues

has Postpartum depression (PPD) is not only a major global health concern but also the most ubiquitous complication associated with childbirth. According to a review published in 2005, 19% of the women in the United States were diagnosed annually with PPD. Another latest study claims that 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression in the [...]

Benefits of Caffeine: How Caffeine Improves Brain Function and Activity

Take a guess! What do you think is the most popular psychoactive drug in the whole wide world?! Well, its Caffeine. Coffee has been the staple non-alcoholic beverage of America since Captain John Smith, the founder of the first English settlement: colony of Virginia, introduced it here after his visits to Turkey. Back then in [...]

Functional Medicine for treating Depression: Could Functional Medicine be the Ultimate Solution?

A report released by Mental Health America (MHA) in 2021 states that around 10 percent of the youth population in the United States suffer from severe major depression. Additionally, based on a 2016 study, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reported that roughly 7 percent of adults in America suffer from a major depressive [...]

Kindergarteners Drinking Coffee? Caffeine and Its Effects

Through all of the hustle and bustle of the modern world caffeine has proved itself useful for many people at one point or another in their life. It is the most widely used central nervous system stimulant in the world. As of 2015, approximately 75% of children age 5 or older consume caffeine on a [...]

Caffeine and its effects: Can Kids Drink Coffee?

Caffeine and its effects are a very common source of concern in the current day. Through all of the hustle and bustle of the modern world, caffeine has proved itself useful for many people at one point or another in their life. It is the most widely used central nervous system stimulant in the world. [...]

What’s hiding in your food? The Dangers of Food additives

  What's hiding in your food? It is a question that has boggled the mind for generations. What was once simply a glance at an easy-to-read list of ingredients has become complex thanks to the addition of food additives. Food additives, despite their widespread use, are detrimental to the health of most people when consumed [...]

What kind of diet is right for you?

What kind of diet is right for you? This is a question that I get asked by almost everyone who finds out what I do for a living, and rightfully so! There is so much confusion around what to eat and how to eat that many people simply don’t make any changes because they don’t [...]

How can I support my loved one’s recovery?

"How can I support my loved one's recovery?" is a question often asked by many people. Do you or someone you know have a partner or loved one who recently received help for their struggle with substance use? That's fantastic! However, that is only the first step in the process. Many people think when someone [...]

What to Do When Friends “Breakup”

When friends break up, life might seem hard. I am not talking about a romantic breakup. In this post I want to focus on a different kind of breakup; when friendships end. Sometimes friendships end with a big falling out. Sometimes it’s more gradual; life gets in the way and friends slowly drift apart - [...]


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