The Wellness Plan: Regain Your Sense of Self

Who here struggles with accountability, responsibility, or any form of stress?  I would imagine that there would be a lot of you. Luckily, The Wellness Plan is a great way to keep track of your goals and to move you forward even if you don't know where to begin. Especially with the holidays upon us, [...]

Willpower and Self Control

Looking at a surprisingly high credit card balance, people wish for willpower. After eating that extra piece of cake, people wish for more control. After spending so much time on-line that work projects suffer, people wish for self control.  There are many situations in our daily lives that would benefit from willpower and self control. [...]

Replenishing the Well: You Should Consider It

When most people are asked how they relax, replenish or de-stress, they will usually either say 'I don't know' or 'have a glass of wine'/some form of self-medicating behavior (followed by a laugh). Now ask yourself, How do I de-stress? Do you work at  'Replenishing the Well' at the end of a hard work week [...]

Seeking Therapy for the First Time

How do you know when it is time to see a therapist? The general rule of thumb is that it is always better to seek therapy at the first signs of a problem or issue. It is clearly documented that people who seek treatment do so at the latter stages of their disorder. They often [...]

How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

It is time to learn how to get the most out of therapy. It is fair to say that in this day and age no one wants to waste their time. Therefore, it is a good idea to address how to get the most out of therapy and your time while in a counseling session. [...]

Are you a ‘Take-the-edge-off-aholic’?

Most people in today's society know at least one person's life who has been affected by Addiction, whether the vice was drugs & alcohol, cigarettes or other behavioral/process addictions like gambling or sex, etc. However, the invisible population that hardly anyone talks about are a group called, 'Take-the-edge-off-aholics'. Take the edge off of what? Huh? [...]

Stressed and Overwhelmed

Welcome to September, kids are back in school, summer vacations are over, quarterly work stresses start building, and then your car breaks down. You find you just want to  scream or cry because you are feeling so stressed and overwhelmed. Welcome to life in America where we honor achievement and success even when it is [...]

Codependency: Am I Struggling With it?

  Do you often say 'yes' when you mean 'no'? Do you have difficulty identifying where you end & another person begins (Boundaries)? Do you typically feel unsatisfied in your romantic/interpersonal relationships because it feels like 'caretaking' and none of your needs are getting met? Are you fearful of authority figures &/or angry people? Do [...]

Anxiety Disorders and related Misconceptions

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in America, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The condition affects 40 million adults in the United States. That’s 18 percent of the U.S. population. Despite this, people with anxiety disorders still live with a stigma often associated with invisible conditions. Many people [...]

Anxiety and stress: Imagined Reality vs Reality

Anxiety and stress can affect how we perceive reality. We all react to our “imagined reality” of a situation, not the “reality” of it. Imagined reality is our perception of something. If you think that people are thinking negatively about you, you react as if they are in fact thinking negatively about you. This is [...]


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