Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Common Myths

Many of us have a stereotype of what an addict or alcoholic is. Some people assume that drug and alcohol addiction is a problem that only certain kinds of people face; this could not be further from the truth. There are many misconceptions about drug and alcohol addiction that can affect not only the addict [...]

The 5 Love Languages

Do you ever feel like no matter how much 'love' you provide to your partner that nothing is ever enough? Do you 'know' your partner loves you but you don't 'feel' it all the time? Perhaps you and your partner's love languages are out of sync. Love Languages? What is that?  Isn't just saying I love you enough? It's [...]

Recovering from Addiction: How to Survive

When many people think of Recovering from Addiction, they envision attending a 28-day rehabilitation facility, daily Alcoholic/Narcotic Anonymous meetings, and never being able to drink or use again. Unfortunately, this stigma often scares people off from admitting they are struggling with addiction and getting the help they need. Have you ever thought to yourself  "I [...]

Eating our feelings: Learn About Emotional Cues

Have you ever heard the saying "Eating our feelings"? Well.. with the holidays around the corner, over-eating is on the rise! That said, it's important to learn how to curb our appetites, proverbially, or not. So, How do we learn to control ourselves during this time where overindulging is encouraged, condoned, and expected? The first [...]

The Wellness Plan: Regain Your Sense of Self

Who here struggles with accountability, responsibility, or any form of stress?  I would imagine that there would be a lot of you. Luckily, The Wellness Plan is a great way to keep track of your goals and to move you forward even if you don't know where to begin. Especially with the holidays upon us, [...]

How many steps?

In the year 1935, Bill Wilson (Bill W) and Dr. Robert Smith (Dr. Bob) founded the most famous program for Alcoholics that we know today as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). Over the last century, Many other 12 step programs have been created from the AA roots including; NA (Narcotics Anonymous), OA (Overeaters Anonymous), GA (Gamblers Anonymous), ACOA (Adult Children of [...]

Freedom from Addiction & Codependency

Raise your hand if you've heard the mantra, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". This saying is It serves to remind people how powerless they are over the feelings, thoughts, and choices of others. If you've struggled [...]

Replenishing the Well: You Should Consider It

When most people are asked how they relax, replenish or de-stress, they will usually either say 'I don't know' or 'have a glass of wine'/some form of self-medicating behavior (followed by a laugh). Now ask yourself, How do I de-stress? Do you work at  'Replenishing the Well' at the end of a hard work week [...]

Are you a ‘Take-the-edge-off-aholic’?

Most people in today's society know at least one person's life who has been affected by Addiction, whether the vice was drugs & alcohol, cigarettes or other behavioral/process addictions like gambling or sex, etc. However, the invisible population that hardly anyone talks about are a group called, 'Take-the-edge-off-aholics'. Take the edge off of what? Huh? [...]


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