How effective is Acupuncture in Cancer Care?

Acupuncture is a crucial part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points in the body called “Acupoints." According to ancient beliefs, Acupuncture helps regulate the flow of “good energy” or “Qi” throughout the body, and any disruption in the flow of “Qi” can cause diseases. However, the real [...]

Option B: How best to handle greif

Have you gone through a difficult time recently & are still feeling stuck in it? Perhaps the loss of a job, divorce, car accident, etc? Are you struggling with accepting that your life is not the way that you want it to be? Sheryl Sandberg, author "Option B" and COO of Facebook, can identify- She [...]

Make This Year’s Thanksgiving About Giving Thanks

This year, make Thanksgiving about gratitude. Whether your looking forward to seeing loved ones, or dreading holiday travel, whatever your state of mind, research shows that focusing on gratitude can produce many benefits to your mind, body and spirit. Improve mood Increase positivity and optimism Reduce stress Decrease inflammation Improve sleep Reduce tension and worry [...]


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