Four Ways to Reduce the Physical Sensations of Anger

Anger is an energizing emotion that comes with unpleasant physical sensations. Since anger is a part of our body's natural defense system, these physical sensations help prepare the body to take what are perceived to be life-saving actions. The physical sensations that accompany anger (increased heart rate, increased respiration, tensed muscles, tightness in the jaw, [...]

Six Ways Physical Activity Can Help Fight Overwhelming Emotions

Mental health practitioners routinely nurture modifications to thoughts and behaviors as a means of helping people manage overwhelming emotions. Recently though, clinical efforts have increased attention towards nurturing physical activity as a means of increasing resilience to overwhelming emotions. Listed below are six ways you can nurture your physical health which will also improve your [...]

Taking Care of Ourselves

In today's society, people's identities are shaped by how many hours they work or how few days they take off. In this paradigm, we lose sight of what really matters... Taking care of ourselves. We live to work instead of work to live. Now.. take a moment & think to yourself, Why do I usually [...]

How Changing Body Language Can Help Your Mood

Emotions are often felt physiologically. Whenever someone is feeling stress or anxiety, body changes take place such as elevated temperature, increased respiration and, in some cases, nausea. Furthermore, people usually adopt body language that is congruent with their feelings: someone who is anxious is usually taking up little space and displays closed body language. Recent [...]

The Benefits of Acceptance to Emotional Health

Sometimes when people try to change the attitude or behaviors of others, they often find themselves in a power struggle. When a loved one is struggling with overwhelming emotions, this can lead to dangerous situations. While acceptance of the limitations of your control over others may be helpful to your emotional state, it can also [...]

Mindfulness Exercises to Boost Brain Power

According to the recent article, A Mindful Brain, by writer Laura Vismara,  an extensive body of research, carried out over the course of the past twenty years and supported by the relatively recent introduction of refined brain scanning technologies, suggests that practicing mindfulness meditation or just having a more mindful approach toward life can produce discernible changes in [...]

Dialectical Behavior (DBT) Strategies for Dealing with Worry

Worry is a common experience for everyone. It serves a function to identify a problem in the future so that you come up with a solution to solve it. This can help make the future more predictable and under our control: to reduce potential anxiety. For more information on how our DBT group can [...]

Trauma and the Body

"Befriend Not Obliterate Emotions" Trauma reorganizes our minds, brains, bodies, and perceptions. It alters not just how we think or the content of our thoughts, but also our capacity to think at all. After trauma, the world is experienced through a different lens. A person who carries trauma can become focused on suppressing what they [...]

Using Self-Care to Reduce Vulnerability to Stress

Experiencing stress in our daily lives is unavoidable. Stress is a much broader concept than anxiety in that it refers to the response your body has when you are facing situations that force you to act or adapt to your environment. Stress serves an important function in that it communicates to you that your body’s [...]


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