What is Integrative Mind-Body Health?

Integrative mind-body health uses a whole-person-centered approach to restore mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It considers environmental and lifestyle factors such as stress, nutrition, social connection, sleep, activity level and more to promote optimal functioning, mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Is one of your goals to live your best life? Do you wonder how to [...]

Simple Tips to Create Better Sleep Habits

What if I told you your sleep cycle begins the moment you are jolted awake by your alarm? It’s still dark out, you hit snooze, and then it’s not long before you are racing the clock to get out on time. This continuous cycle causes our stress hormones to surge, making us crave the sugary [...]

Summer Slide Tips

Summer slide is the potential academic loss that occurs over the summer months. In addition to the academic slide, there is a potential emotional slide that also occurs when students are separated from their peers.  How do we help children from suffering from both academic loss and emotional loss during the lazy, hazy days of [...]

The Fixed Mindset and its Ability to Impact Life and Learning

By Dr. Jill Caruso   What does it mean to have a fixed mindset? Carol Dweck (Mindsets, 2007) defined this term as… “Individuals believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents are just fixed traits…A fixed mindset prevents you from failing in the short run but in the long run, it hinders your ability to [...]

What Does Cell Phone Addiction Look Like?

What is the object you find most valuable in your life right now? Is it your family, or your friends? Is it your home or your car? Or is it a smaller object that keeps you connected to all of these things? Is it your cellphone? One day I left my cellphone at home when [...]

What is Happiness? How can we Remain Happy?

Although the declaration of Independence bestows the “inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, no one tells us how to be happy. Some people just seem to be bright rays of sunshine all the time. Others struggle to feel happy and aren’t even sure what happiness is. What do happy people do [...]

Are you in touch with your Authentic Self?

Authenticity There are so many influences in life that affect our thoughts, feelings, actions, and choices we make, that we often lose sight of our own identity.  To be authentic means representing one’s true nature or beliefs.  Many of use lose track of who we are authentically because we have tried so hard to be [...]

Is Someone You Love Struggling With Addiction?

Do you have a loved one that is struggling with addiction or in early recovery? Watching someone you love struggle with an alcohol or drug problem is painful for the entire family. It causes many intense feelings such as anger, confusion, sadness, and worry. Addiction is a “family disease” because the entire family becomes consumed [...]

Dialectical Behavior (DBT) Strategies for Dealing with Worry

Worry is a common experience for everyone. It serves a function to identify a problem in the future so that you come up with a solution to solve it. This can help make the future more predictable and under our control: to reduce potential anxiety. For more information on how our DBT group can [...]


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