But Mom, I Don’t Want to Go Back to School

Why do so many kids say they don't want to go back to school? When I talk to kids, why do they all say that lunchtime, recess or seeing friends is their favorite part? And why don't kindergarten kids get a playtime anymore? Play is a child's work. We need to allow children time to [...]

Transitions: The Precedent Year

Transitions are something that can happen at any stage of your life, and often you look back on the last time you had to deal with a big change in order to get you through the next one. However, there is one year, in particular, that is typically the first transition of such significance that [...]

Back to School, What a New School Year brings

One day I was sitting in a food court around 4 pm, and a boy about ten years old walked up to a table where his uncle and another man were sitting not too far from where I was. The boy greeted his uncle who then asked him what he had learned in school that day. [...]

Going Back to School and How to Make it Fun

Why do so many kids say they don't want to go back to school? When I talk to kids, why do they all say that lunchtime, recess, or seeing friends is their favorite part? And why don't kindergarten kids get playtime anymore? Play is a child's work. We need to allow children time to play. [...]


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