How can I support my loved one’s recovery?

"How can I support my loved one's recovery?" is a question often asked by many people. Do you or someone you know have a partner or loved one who recently received help for their struggle with substance use? That's fantastic! However, that is only the first step in the process. Many people think when someone [...]

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week!

This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week! Did you know that eating disorders are among the deadliest mental illnesses second only to opioid overdose? 10,200 deaths each year are the direct result of an eating disorder (1). Some common myths surrounding eating disorders are: “People who have eating disorders must be underweight”. Eating disorders [...]

Tips for Sobriety During Quarantine

Sobriety is an ongoing process that requires a daily commitment to recovery goals. Those in recovery know that it is essential to have a strong support system to maintain sobriety. This is especially true for those who are in early recovery. Other factors that help individuals in recovery include having daily structure and positive routines. [...]

Taking Care of Ourselves

In today's society, people's identities are shaped by how many hours they work or how few days they take off. In this paradigm, we lose sight of what really matters... Taking care of ourselves. We live to work instead of work to live. Now.. take a moment & think to yourself, Why do I usually [...]

Sobriety and the Holidays: Tips for the Season

Staying sober can be especially difficult around the holiday season when there are so many events and parties. These kinds of situations can cause stress, triggering thoughts or urges to use substances. Sobriety becomes even more challenging when drugs or alcohol are present at these events. Getting through the holiday season may seem daunting, but [...]

The Self Imposed Rush

Have any of you ever felt anxious about a schedule that you created? Or found yourself rushing around with a sense of emergency thinking when nothing was even extremely pressing? That sounds like the self-imposed rush, also known as the hustle for worthiness! We often fall into this phenomenon when we are trying to keep [...]

Values and Success in Recovery

Addiction can result from and bring forth emotions and thoughts that are difficult to deal with. These emotions can drive an addict to behave in ways they later regret. It can be challenging to figure out how to act in opposite ways that have more positive outcomes. A question I often ask my own clients [...]

Option B: How best to handle greif

Have you gone through a difficult time recently & are still feeling stuck in it? Perhaps the loss of a job, divorce, car accident, etc? Are you struggling with accepting that your life is not the way that you want it to be? Sheryl Sandberg, author "Option B" and COO of Facebook, can identify- She [...]

Addiction Is A Family Disease

So often a parent, spouse, or child try to make their loved one with addiction get the help they so desperately need. They may beg, bargain, and give ultimatums in order to get the person with addiction into meetings or treatment. And when they finally do they often give a sigh of relief and think [...]


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