Make This Year’s Thanksgiving About Giving Thanks

This year, make Thanksgiving about gratitude. Whether your looking forward to seeing loved ones, or dreading holiday travel, whatever your state of mind, research shows that focusing on gratitude can produce many benefits to your mind, body and spirit. Improve mood Increase positivity and optimism Reduce stress Decrease inflammation Improve sleep Reduce tension and worry [...]

Blue Mind – the healing effects of water

The Book Blue Mind In this book Wallace Nichols tells us about the beneficial effects experienced by those who spend time in, on or near the water. Nichols is a a marine biologist and has studied sea turtles for more than two decades. Blue Mind is his term for a “mildly meditative state characterized by [...]

Using Self-Care to Reduce Vulnerability to Stress

Experiencing stress in our daily lives is unavoidable. Stress is a much broader concept than anxiety in that it refers to the response your body has when you are facing situations that force you to act or adapt to your environment. Stress serves an important function in that it communicates to you that your body’s [...]

Highly Sensitive People and Empaths: Boundaries!

Do you identify as a HSP or Empath? Do you often feel like you don’t know where “you end and others begin”? Or wonder why you feel so crummy after being with certain people? Have you been prone to burnout and nervous system overdrive? All of the above? No worries, you are in good company. Let’s [...]

Forgiveness: Should I Forgive or Not Forgive?

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of feelings of anger or resentment harbored toward a person who has committed a wrong. •    When forgiving, it is not necessary that one also reconciles with the offender who caused hurt or harm.  It is possible to forgive someone without minimizing or denying the offense [...]


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