Self care is…

We've all heard the term 'self care' thrown around but most people do not know exactly what it is. During the pandemic, Most individuals found that taking care of themselves was extremely difficult which was/is very understandable. During session, Whenever this term is discussed, a significant amount of people feel it is something 'extra' or [...]

A Health Coach and You: How can they Help You.

What is a Health Coach and How Can They Help Me? You may have heard of health coaches, but not really know much about what they do and what the benefits are of working with one. A health coach is different from other providers you may encounter. A coach does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. A [...]

5 Steps for a Safe, Fun and Healthy Summer

We all want to have a healthy summer. If the novel coronavirus has reinforced anything, it’s the idea that there are things we can control, and things we can’t. While many eagerly await a vaccine or effective treatments, there are many actions you can take to strengthen your system’s defenses. We already know about the [...]

Chronic Inflammation 101: Why Does it Matter?

By now, many of us have heard that inflammation is bad, but why? Essentially, there are two types of inflammation, acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is the type you are probably most familiar with. It is a necessary and important aspect of your immune defense system, designed to protect you and help you recover.Inflammation is [...]

High Functioning Anxiety: The 10 Symptoms

Am I making progress in life or just trying to survive? This post is meant to bring your awareness to a type of anxiety that affects high achievers and people who push themselves beyond their limits. High-functioning anxiety is not considered a mental health diagnosis. This is because of those who experience it self-report being [...]

Reach your Goals in 3 Easy Ways: “Eat, Pray, Love”

At the beginning of each new year, many individuals strive to reach their goals and make commitments to change in various areas of their lives.  2020 was no different, especially since we have entered a new decade. You may be looking to make your own commitments whether it's a diet reset, spiritual, or family improvement. [...]

Taking Care of Ourselves

In today's society, people's identities are shaped by how many hours they work or how few days they take off. In this paradigm, we lose sight of what really matters... Taking care of ourselves. We live to work instead of work to live. Now.. take a moment & think to yourself, Why do I usually [...]

Self-Care Includes Saying ‘No’ When Needed

Think about the term 'self-care' for a moment. What kinds of thoughts come to mind? Perhaps self-pampering like taking a warm bath, getting a manicure, or snuggling under a blanket. Maybe you're also thinking of self-care activities like taking a hike, going for a walk, or calling a friend. Self-care can include all of these [...]

Six Strategies for Self-Care this Autumn

As the days grow shorter and cooler temps set in, we can sometimes feel down, and tenser. Factor in the holidays around the corner and it becomes even more important to maintain daily wellness rituals and self-care this autumn. Here are 6 simple ways to honor the season and provide a solid foundation of self-care [...]

Self-Care is Not Selfish

Self-care is not selfish. Being a good person does not mean that you have to say "Yes" to everyone and everything in your life. Being a healthy person means that you put your health and overall wellbeing first. The best gift you can give to your loved ones in making your wellbeing a top priority. [...]


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