It’s Hurricane Season! Tips to Fight Addiction

When people hear the term "Hurricane Season", What do they think of? Most people reading this blog would probably guess the time between June-September in which the tropical areas of the world are most likely to be struck by a tropical storm/hurricane, right? Yes. However, in the emotional/psychological realm, the term "Hurricane Season" has begun [...]

The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory

Stephen Porges 2017 book The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory is much more readable than his comprehensive 2011 book The Polyvagal Theory. This new book is intended to offer the concepts in the earlier book to a wider audience. The concepts are particularly relevant to those clinicians involved in treating people who have suffered [...]

Self Empowerment: An Achievable Goal

Clients sometimes make comments like, “How do I empower myself? I don’t even know how to go about healing. How do I start?” Self-empowerment is a path towards setting goals and strengthening and developing oneself. It requires taking personal responsibility and having a belief in an internal locus of control where one has the power [...]

Mindful or “Mind full” ?

I'm sure you have heard the word mindful before, especially if you've checked in to read our blogs.. But what does it really mean? Are we being Mind full or Mindful? Is your mind full of clutter? When you are doing 1 task, are you thinking about the other 10 things on your to do [...]

Overcoming Depersonalization

My blog last month mentioned a book entitled Overcoming Depersonalization Disorder by Fugen Neziroglu, Ph.D. and Katharine Donnelly, MA as a good place to start for getting information about coming to grips with depersonalization. Well, it’s time for this month’s blog and this is the book I want to discuss. The Foreword for this book [...]

Depersonalization Feeling Unreal

The book Feeling Unreal, by Daphne Simeon, MD and Jeffrey Abugel, is aptly named, because the word “unreal” is the key word for people suffering from depersonalization. Although depersonalization has been described in the medical literature for move than a hundred years, this book is the most definitive work on the subject and is written [...]

Depersonalization: A neglected syndrome

The book Depersonalization A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome by Mauricio Sierra is a scholarly review of this syndrome with an extensive listing of relevant research studies. Depersonalization can occur as a fleeting experience in adolescents as well as people facing life-threatening situations where its occurrence can be considered to be normal. People can [...]

Public Speaking

Even though you, me and most other people will never give a TED talk, the book TED Talks - The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking by Chris Anderson, the curator of TED, has been a New York Times bestseller. This is because the book offers advice usable by any public speaker to become a [...]

Forgiveness: Should I Forgive or Not Forgive?

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of feelings of anger or resentment harbored toward a person who has committed a wrong. •    When forgiving, it is not necessary that one also reconciles with the offender who caused hurt or harm.  It is possible to forgive someone without minimizing or denying the offense [...]

What If?…How to Combat Your Anxiety

What if you didn’t ever use 'what if?' Simply put, since you can put that phrase in front of everything, why put it in front of anything? It no longer has any significance if its use is so universal that using it would imply that any potential scenario is possible. How could one possibly plan [...]


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